Saturday, November 22, 2014


Our lives burn away as the enthalpy of day is lost in a slow sizzle
like the frost accosting his elaborate glow,
a sublime experience few may know that
even sunlight will fear
against all odds
his explosions
gods of an aesthetic moment, a flow sent 8 minutes later
only to be captured into a greater mess than the chaotic brew it left
a stew bereft of flavors that don’t contradict on the palette
but do waver, dew drops
into the pot from flower petals wrought
from shiny metals and opal arrogance,
the subtle flare against reason mocked by the mathematical paradox
a Pandora’s box into the golden spiral
rare but often viral, not uncommon
on any given comet water identical to the tonic fodder for your camaraderie
and warfare, all’s fair in love and hate
diametrically opposed to fate, suddenly exposed
a grayscale flailing catastrophe cast
as a trophy to be won
when clearly
it is
